Tag: sweets

Hokey Pokey, Marshmallow and a Power Cut

For the last few days I have had the head cold that seems to come when summer gives way to autumn – made a little more miserable by a day long power cut yesterday. A slight issue was working out what recipes I could test that only required the gas hob since the oven was out. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/03/09/hokey-pokey-marshmallow-and-a-power-cut/

Turkish Delight & Butterscotch deliciousness…

Turkish delight is one of my favourite sweets in the world, in particular when flavoured delicately with rose. Rose can be a very overpowering flavour but Turkish delight and rose are made for each other – so imagine my disappointment when I went to my essence container and the bottle of rose essence I have seen …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/01/29/turkish-delight-butterscotch-deliciousness/