Category: Reviews

Getting spicy with a Lamb curry and cucumber yoghurt dressing (Raita)

Last night I decided I would give the lamb curry recipe on page 156 a go and one of the best things to accompany the curry, Raita. The best way to describe this curry would be modified for western palates. The flavour is nice but it doesn’t pack any punch or liven up the taste …

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The perfect time of year to make tomato soup Page 96

Soup is perfect on a cold winter’s day but the best time to make tomato soup is this time of year in New Zealand. At this time of year tomatoes are cheaper in the supermarkets but also happily growing in many gardens and green houses around the country. Tomato soup is kind of the exception …

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Just like Grandma used to make…

For me Sultana cake kind of fits into the same category as fruit cake. It makes me think of afternoon teas at grandmas. I am definitely not a fan of fruit cake and I’m quite fussy when it comes to sultana cake too. The recipe from the Edmonds has been included in every edition since …

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Stuffed cheesy? tomatoes

I love this time of year. It’s the time when the greenhouse goes nuts with fresh tomatoes, capsicums, cucumbers and eventually grapes. Being able to wander out and harvest fresh produce as and when you need it is so satisfying. When I went out there yesterday I noticed that a whole heap of tomatoes had …

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Chilli Con Carne – for when you want to spice things up…

Mexican food has become very popular in New Zealand. The flavour profiles and freshness make it a favourite in many households. Chilli con carne is easy to throw together and is great with rice, corn chips or served up in a wrap. The recipe can be found on page 154. The recipe is super simple. …

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Stuffed Baked Potatoes and Cheesy Sesame-coated Chicken

Chicken is always a favourite food in my family, so the cheesy sesame-coated chicken on page 141 looked like a winner. One of the major ingredients is parmesan cheese so I made sure to choose a cheese with really good flavour. I chose Gibbston Valley parmesan. The rest of the ingredients are pretty straightforward. The …

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I Scream

I scream, you scream, why is everyone screaming about ice cream? It was a balmy 31°C at the bottom of the South Island today, so what better recipe to try than ice cream. The recipe is on page 209. Most homemade ice cream recipes seem to be either custard based or contain condensed milk. This …

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The Flour Tortilla Tragedy

Tortillas are such a versatile food. You are limited by your imagination only when it comes to fillings. Tortillas can be used in many different ways for example as wraps, to make quesadillas or as an accompaniment to curries to name but a few. I was eager to try the Edmonds recipe on page 155 …

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Meh – Melrose Cream, page 209

Melrose cream is one of those “why is this a thing?” recipes. It’s a custard/jelly dessert which when made has a watered down milk kind of taste. My first attempt was a disaster. I followed the directions to the letter but for some reason it just didn’t set. The next day, not wanting to be …

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Turkish Delight & Butterscotch deliciousness…

Turkish delight is one of my favourite sweets in the world, in particular when flavoured delicately with rose. Rose can be a very overpowering flavour but Turkish delight and rose are made for each other – so imagine my disappointment when I went to my essence container and the bottle of rose essence I have seen …

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