Category: Reviews

A Little Bit of Crumpet…

I remember as a child on a rare occasion being given crumpets with golden syrup on top as a treat. I loved the way the syrup and margarine would mix together and soak right through the crumpets they were unlike anything I had had before with their odd spongey, bubbly texture. I hardly ever get …

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Hokey Pokey, Marshmallow and a Power Cut

For the last few days I have had the head cold that seems to come when summer gives way to autumn – made a little more miserable by a day long power cut yesterday. A slight issue was working out what recipes I could test that only required the gas hob since the oven was out. …

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Waiting To Join The Old Ladies’ Perfect Pikelet Making Club

What is it about old ladies and pikelets. Is there a secret course old ladies go on to learn how to make perfect pikelets? Because every time I go to an event catered by older ladies there always seems to be a plate of perfectly made pikelets. For some reason a lot of people struggle …

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Chicken on a stick..yum!

Chicken kebabs or skewers whatever you choose to call them are usually a favourite with everyone. They are super easy to make and are a really good way to get your 5+ a day in as well. The recipe on page 143 has a lovely soy and chilli sauce marinade with it. You can either …

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Finally the oyster season has begun!

Yesterday was the first day of the Bluff oyster season! However the weather turned to custard so the boats couldn’t get out in time to get any of the delicacy in for sale to the public. This morning I was so excited to receive some of the first oysters of the season from Barnes Wild …

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Cupcakes and muffins are not the same thing *grumpy face* Cupcakes became really trendy a few years back and people jumped on to the bandwagon. We suddenly saw baskets of cupcakes being sent instead of flowers and boutique cupcake shops popping up around the place. We also saw people icing muffins and try to pass …

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Pizza, but not as you know it…

I avoided making the pizza recipe in the Edmonds on page 158 because I use this pizza dough really successfully but not technically the way it says. My fambam like their pizza thin and crispy and when I make them this way I get between 8-10 decent sized pizzas out of one batch of dough. …

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Tosca. Not the opera, the cake.

Tosca cake is a deliciously light buttery vanilla sponge type cake with a caramel and almond topping. Tosca cake or Toscakaka or Toscakake is claimed as a traditional cake by numerous Scandinavian countries but the one thing each country has in common is its love of this delightfully delicious cake. The topping soaks slightly into …

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Brownie – my one chocolate weakness

I have a confession. I don’t really like chocolate. I know, you would think with the amount of junk in my trunk that I would be chocolates number one fan – but alas, no. There is one exception to this rule however. Brownies. I can never seem to walk by a slice of brownie warm …

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Time to grab the pudding basin out for Dominion Pudding…

Dominion Pudding on page 214 is a simple steamed pudding recipe with jam added or raisins. As I usually do I added the first option, jam. I chose strawberry jam because I have a personal issue with pips. Yuck! The pudding batter is a basic cake batter. The ol’ cream the butter and sugar, add …

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