Category: Reviews

Apricot Marshmallow

Apricot marshmallow page 204. Firstly I need to point out that this isn’t really marshmallow as such, but I get why they call it that. The texture is a very light, fluffy and aerated so it is sort of marshmallowy. The recipe is another quick and simple recipe with very few ingredients. It doesn’t take …

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Is It A Cake, Or Is It A Dehumidifier

Wholemeal Chocolate Cake (page 57). Well, what can I say? If you are wanting to be healthy, I’m thinking there are easier ways than trying to “healthy up” chocolate cake. This cake is easy to make. It’s also not that bad flavour wise, in fact it’s really nice. It does have extra texture due to …

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Sponges….sponges everywhere!

  I spent a quiet Sunday this weekend making four sponge recipes. It was a really nice way to spend an afternoon – I am one of those odd people that finds cooking relaxing. The first recipe I made was the Edmonds Fielders Classic Sponge on page 71. This recipe is straight forward to assemble. …

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Baked Custard, It’s A Thing!

I think most people, when thinking of custard, think of making it with custard powder for pouring onto a dessert or for trifle or something, but this recipe makes the custard itself the hero. My confession for the day is that I actually had to make this recipe twice. For some reason the first time …

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The comforting smell of bread and biscuits…

Is there anything better in the world than the smell of fresh bread straight out of the oven? I reckon it’s pretty hard to beat, although fresh biscuits out of the oven might almost do it. This week has been a little bit stressful. There has been sickness in the family (thank you unpredictable autumn …

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Fresh Potatoes From The Garden Equals Scalloped Potatoes For Dinner!

I must confess I am one of those annoying people that watches shows like Come Dine With Me and Masterchef. Okay, there isn’t really any surprise there I know 🙂 One thing that pops up on the menus of these kinds of shows often is scalloped potatoes but usually it’s been renamed dauphinoise potatoes to …

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Easter Afternoon Tea

This Easter I decided to have an afternoon tea for family on the Sunday. So it was a good opportunity to crack some of the recipes in the party finger food section. I started with the cheese ball recipe. (Page 197). I hadn’t made this recipe before because it had a few things that I …

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Say Cheeeeeeeeesecake!

For the last couple of weeks I have had a real urge to make a cheesecake and today I finally remembered to get some cream cheese with the groceries so I decided to make the cheesecake recipe on page 204. The recipe is simply called cheesecake and reading through the recipe it seems to make …

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No More Being Cross Over Hot Cross Buns

It’s almost Good Friday which means it’s almost time when we can legitimately eat hot cross buns. Woo! Every year I give making hot cross buns a whirl but I have never found a recipe that ticks all my boxes. In my opinion hot cross buns should be soft, spicy with a nice amount of …

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A Woman Corned….

I love corn. It is seriously one of my favourite foods in the whole entire world. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, corn would be that thing. Although I would rather have corn by itself, every now and then I will make sweetcorn fritters to get my corn …

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