Category: Reviews

Lemon Meringue Pie versus Chocolate Mousse

Many years ago I remember trying to make a lemon meringue pie. It was a rather traumatic experience which resulted in a pie that was soupy and all kinds of wrong. It definitely put me off trying it again, but since lemons are in season I decided it was now or never – so I …

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To Ice, Or Not To Ice…

  Marble cake! Marble cake is so pretty with its swirls of brown, pink and yellow. The recipe on page 54 is a typical marble cake recipe, but here are my two issues with it. Firstly, the recipe doesn’t say to ice it – and if ever there was a cake crying out for a …

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Meatballs and Marmalade

My Dad was a solo parent who was also one of the most amazing cooks I knew. Unfortunately, when he passed away a number of recipes went with him, but one that managed to survive was for his meatballs. I have been thinking about my Dad a lot lately, and it inspired me to test …

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Frustration versus the sublime…

Often when people think of gingerbread they picture gingerbread men – soft ginger flavoured biscuits lovingly decorated with icing and other treats. Indeed, in most countries that’s exactly what you will get. There is a huge amount of history behind this kind of gingerbread but alas the gingerbread as described in the Edmonds on page …

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OH MY GOSH!!! I think these biscuits have crack in them!!!

OH MY GOSH!!! I think these biscuits have crack in them!!! I love the idea of these biscuits. Honey, cinnamon and oats sounds delish. The recipe can be found on page 42. I do have a couple of issues with this recipe. One is the mixture really is a bit too dry, and the second …

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In search of a good dunker…

There is nothing like sitting down to a nice hot cup of tea (or whatever your thing is) but what makes it even better is a nice bikkie to dunk into the steaming cup. In need of a good dunking biscuit I turned to that old kiwi favourite, the gingernut. The recipe for these can …

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Throwback Thursday – The Demise of the Quince

Quince are a hard, acidic fruit that kind of resemble an apple/pear that grows on a shrubby looking bush from Asia. Years ago quince were easy to find and quince jam or jelly was not an unusual sight on the table at afternoon tea time. These days however they aren’t as easy to find, so when I …

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Banana Loaf

It definitely seems like winter is heading our way quickly. I find myself mournfully looking at my summer dresses and sadly reaching for tights and woollens. Along with the weather comes the inevitable move from constant salads to hearty comfort food *le sigh* Last Tuesday in need of a little comforting and noticing bananas in …

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Belgium Biscuits and Balls

The last couple of weeks have been so busy in my household as we all geared up for my daughters school ball. It has been an exciting time and a sad time as well as the realisation hits that soon the nest will be empty. I am not mentally prepared for this at all. We …

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Frisbee Making for Beginners

There are two recipes in particular that were the final clincher in my decision to do the Edmonds this year. One was the rice pudding recipe which I will be reviewing in the near future, and the other was the pancake recipe. The thing is, I had never made the Edmonds recipe. I had read …

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