Category: Reviews

Pesto/Basil And Garlic Sauce Minus The Love.

Firstly I just want to apologise for the lack of updates recently. Things have been a bit trying lately but I am hoping to be able to post a bit more regularly from now on. Thanks for your patience and your continual support it means a lot 🙂 Basil and garlic sauce (pesto). The name …

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Spinach *Blurck*

Spinach is one of those foods that reigns supreme on my yuck, throw rocks at it foods list which is why the following blog is very, VERY difficult for me. *clears throat* Dear spinach gods, I am sorry Lots of love Taniamaree. But seriously, I have so many bad memories involving spinach. It stems from …

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Brandy Snaps and Afghans – What a difference a method can make…

Sometimes while looking through the Edmonds, I come across recipes that when I read through them seem doomed to fail for one reason or another. It often makes me put them aside until I have the mental strength to deal with them lol. The recipe for Brandy snaps is one of those. Every time I …

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Some Parts of History Should Be Forgotten, and Some Rejoiced

The queen of puddings was apparently named such because a serving was once enjoyed by Queen Victoria. That is all well and good but she was also known to enjoy the odd bit of calf hoof jelly and flour soup; that doesn’t make it good. This pudding has few ingredients and is easy to make. …

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Praying to the Baking gods and Sponge Drops…

One of the advantages of being a classical soprano is that you get invited to sing at a variety of events. One of the huge advantages of being a classical soprano and being invited to sing at a variety of events is sponge drops 🙂 As you know by now I have such admiration for …

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Pavlova and a little comfort…

Recently the age old question of who made the first pavlova seemed to be finally laid to rest when the Oxford dictionary made the ruling that it was indeed New Zealand, with it appearing in a book in 1927 (whoop whoop). There are so many dodgy pavlova recipes out there. Often they are little more …

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Tamarillo and Beetroot

Tamarillo or the tree tomato as it was known prior to 1967 is a wonderful source of vitamin C and other nutrients. I can honestly say I have never tried them and I haven’t really ever been tempted to, but I noticed the local market had them on special so decided it was now or …

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A Salute to Germany… sort of

When I’m not cooking I am often singing. I have been working on a rather tricky German aria recently which has had me thinking about German food which has had me thinking about schnitzel and sauerkraut – two well-known German foods. There isn’t a recipe for schnitzel per se in the Edmonds, but on page …

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Quiche -Not pronounced quickie

I think in a lot of ways quiche gets a bad rap. It is one of those things that has been done to death and seems way too retro these days. I think most of us at some point have had a dodgy one too. Quiche often promises so much yet delivers so little. The …

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The Soup That Was and the Tostada That Wasn’t

Although the garden has decided spring has sprung with the appearance of pretty yellow crocus, the reality is it has been really cold – so once again soup has been the order of the day. I chose to make the spicy lentil soup on page 95. Firstly, I need to point out that this is …

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