Toothache and salads…


Vegetables for the pasta salad

Today I have been feeling a little miserable because last week one of my teeth randomly broke.


Thick and creamy mayonnaise

I wasn’t even eating when it broke. I mean what’s with that? Anyway I finally managed to get into the dentist to have it fixed but my jaw has been paying the price all day. Feeling the way I did I decided I needed to choose a couple of quick, simple recipes to make since I still have 493 recipes to get through. I chose the pasta salad on Page 184 and the tomato salad on page 185. The first thing I needed to do was make some


The finished pasta salad

mayonnaise for the pasta salad so I used the recipe for quick mayonnaise on Page 190. For a good mayonnaise recipe that is similar but with a tiny bit more tang click here.

The pasta salad recipe was straight forward but I think some pineapple or even some corn added might give it a little more pizzazz *jazz hands*


The tomato salad looks vibrant on the plate

I must confess tomato salad just sounds weird to me but the end result was really nice. The recipe is a little spring onion heavy (for my taste) and it has a simple garlic/lemon dressing over the top. I did add a little bit more lemon juice to the dressing which was once again a personal taste thing. The salad looks really pretty on the plate and would be an excellent addition to a shared lunch or similar.

Today I was going to add a conversion chart for you guys but I will have to put it up tomorrow so I can feel sorry for myself a wee bit more tonight.

Until next time. Happy cooking 🙂

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