Dad’s Meatballs

Ingredients – Meatballs

  • 500 g Beef mince
  • 1 small onion
  • 3 Tbsp Caraway seeds
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ cup rolled oats
  • Salt and pepper

Ingredients – Gravy

  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • ½ tsp caraway seeds
  • 2 Tbsp flour
  • 2  beef oxo cubes
  • 1 ½ -2 cups water


  • Mix the meatball ingredients together and form into the size balls you want.
  • Fry in a decent glug of oil on low until coloured on all sides (don’t worry if they aren’t completely cooked in the middle at this stage. If the pan gets a little dry you can add a wee bit more oil into the pan.
  • Remove browned meatballs and keep them warm in the oven.
  • Take the used pan and add the butter and allow to melt. Add the caraway seeds and fry for about 30 seconds then add the flour and oxo cubes. Mix until it looks kind of foamy. Then add the water and mix well with a whisk.
  • Cook until it’s a nice gravy consistency. If its too thick add a little more water. Season to taste.
  • When it tastes the way you want you add the meatballs back into the pan and cook covered until the meatballs are no longer pink in the middle. Stir often. This shouldn’t take long at all.

Serve on cooked pasta or in a French stick with salad fixins

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