A Little Bit of Crumpet…

I remember as a child on a rare occasion being given crumpets with golden syrup on top as a treat. I loved the way the syrup and margarine would mix together and soak right through the crumpets they were unlike anything I had had before with their odd spongey, bubbly texture. I hardly ever get them now as an adult but occasionally I remember they exist and go through a wee spate of eating them again. Always with golden syrup on them of course.

crumpets4I have often come across recipes for them but could never imagine being able to make a good representation of them but today I decided to challenge myself and give it a go. There is no Edmonds recipe for them but I thought I would share the experience any way.

The recipe wasn’t too bad in that the stages were easy but they took a while to make because you need to let the “dough” rise a couple of times.

The resulting crumpets? Well they looked like crumpets and apart from a slight yeasty flavour they were an okay version but to be honest, for all the work and the sort of okay end result, I think I will stick to buying them as a treat from the supermarket every now and then. Here’s the recipe I used if you would like to have a go yourself.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/03/12/a-little-bit-of-crumpet/

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