Hokey Pokey, Marshmallow and a Power Cut

For the last few days I have had the head cold that seems to come when summer gives way to autumn – made a little more miserable by a day long power cut yesterday. A slight issue was working out what recipes I could test that only required the gas hob since the oven was out. Then I remembered the deliciously naughty sweets section 🙂

The first recipe I decided to make was the hokey pokey, or honeycomb as it’s sometimes called, on page 228.hokeypokey2hokeypokey1hokeypokey3hokeypokey4

You get to do what is basically a science experiment and still get to have something yummy to eat at the end. The recipe is scary simple – it literally has just three ingredients, and the only thing you really need to do is first make sure you read the instructions before you start thoroughly because the second requirement is speed at the end. hokeypokey5So definitely make sure you read up so you don’t get any nasty surprises!

hokeypokey6The first batch I made didn’t quite look right to me and I think it’s because I used my spoon to spread the mixture out a bit. The recipe was still yummy it was more of a textural thing. The second batch was perfect. I poured the mixture straight into the greased pan but this time I didn’t spread it. I just tilted the pan a little to let it spread itself a bit. The end result was a hokey pokey that tasted exactly the same as the centre of a crunchie bar. It was perfect.

As a contrast to the hokey pokey I tried the marshmallow recipe on page 229.marshmallow3

marshmallow1Once again the recipe is really simple. It does take a wee bit of time though because you need to let the mix cool down to lukewarm before you give it a final beating. The Edmonds marshmallow is a lovely recipe and the end resulting marshmallows were soft but not too soft and fluffy.marshmallow4

marshmallow2So I survived the power cut without an oven and the end results were fantastic. I love these 2 recipes and happily give them a big tick 🙂

Until next time. Happy cooking! 🙂

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/03/09/hokey-pokey-marshmallow-and-a-power-cut/


    • Gray Bell on 15 March 2016 at 9:39 pm
    • Reply

    Looks very tasty… And excellent photos too.

    1. I could seriously eat the hokey pokey by the bucketful. I would probably die but what a way to go 🙂

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