The perfect time of year to make tomato soup Page 96


Tomatoes need to be blanched

Soup is perfect on a cold winter’s day but the best time to make tomato soup is this time of year in New Zealand. At this time of year tomatoes are cheaper in the supermarkets but also happily growing in many gardens and green houses around the country. Tomato soup is kind of the exception to the soup rule – yes, it’s great in winter, but it makes a delicious light lunch in summer.


Beautiful fresh ingredients

The Edmonds recipe is a really fresh and relatively simple recipe to make. The resulting soup really highlights the tomatoes and yet has a little heat from the addition of a little chilli powder. The flavour of the soup is even better the next day. It also freezes well. I recommend giving it a try.


Perfect all year round

A traditional Southland accompaniment with soup are cheese rolls. Cheese rolls in the Southland sense are slices of bread spread with a cheesy filling, rolled and then toasted under the grill. For a simple recipe click here.
Until next time. Happy Cooking! 🙂

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