Perfect kiwi salad for the muggy weather


The finished coleslaw

Salads are an important part of summer eating in New Zealand and it’s not a real kiwi BBQ it seems without coleslaw on the menu. Coleslaw is actually really easy to make and not as time consuming as it seems. I was looking forward to trying the coleslaw recipe on page 182. I made the basic recipe as given without adding any of the possible variations. The recipe does have the addition of French dressing, mayonnaise or blue cheese dressing. I chose the first option and went with the French dressing. The recipe can be found on page 189. Iโ€™m not usually big on vinegar style dressings but this recipe is lovely. The balance was perfect and I think itโ€™s now one of my favourites. I really recommend giving it a go.

Back to the coleslaw recipe. The recipe has a nice balance of flavours and is really fresh. At first glance it seems very green (well, it was literally all green) but the mix of vegetables is really very nice I thoroughly recommend it. If you would like to try a slightly healthier and quick coleslaw recipe click here. So with the weather currently doing the hot and muggy thing itโ€™s the perfect time to give coleslaw a go. There is something really satisfying about eating coleslaw you made yourself.

Until next time. Happy cooking ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Where, in the USA, can I buy our book Tan?? Your recipes look incredible.

    1. Hi Nikky, I have seen some on Amazon for ridiculous prices. Other than that having a cousin in New Zealand is a good way to get a copy if you send them an address. I’m so happy you are enjoying my site ๐Ÿ™‚ Tan

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