Rain and coffee cake…

The rain has finally made an appearance down south and so it was the perfect day to work on a coffee cake recipe for you guys to try out.

coffeecaketj3As Sam and Matthew pointed out yesterday the Edmonds coffee cake recipe was good but it doesn’t store well and it was a little on the dense side, so I wanted to develop a recipe that was light and that I know would store well if needed. You can find my recipe here. The cake should keep for around a week – although it was basically gone in 10 minutes today. That’s always a good sign! I really hope you give it a try and enjoy it.

One thing I wanted to remind people of is that when a recipe calls for beating egg whites until stiff it is really important to use a clean, dry glass or stainless steel bowl. Plastic bowls can retain fats and oils and no matter how well you clean them they can still have a little grease left behind. Fat interferes with the foam forming which is why it is also important not to get any egg yolk into your egg whites before beating. Egg yolks contain fat.

You will also find that eggs that are room temperature will beat more easily than cold eggs. It’s a good habit to get into to store your eggs out of the refrigerator.

I was asked earlier in the week why it’s necessary to preheat the oven before cooking. The main reason is that it means foods cook evenly and also more quickly. Yes, you can get away with not preheating your oven if you are making a casserole or something but baking really is a science so recipes can be a bit more temperamental. Especially if they have raising agents in them like yeast or baking powder. Raising agents react to heat. If you start out with a cold oven the raising agent is basically sitting there twiddling its thumbs for 10 – 15 minutes wondering if it should start reacting or not. This can definitely affect the end result. You really want to give every dish the chance to be the best version of itself it can be. That is the difference between a good cook and a bad cook.

That’s enough from me today. Until next time, Happy cooking.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/01/15/rain-and-coffee-cake/

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