It’s Almost Easter

For some people Easter is about their faith, for some it’s about eating endless supplies of chocolate and Hot Cross Buns. For some its about an extra few sleep ins and for others its about family and friends.

In some European countries its tradition on Easter Sunday to give Easter biscuits as a gift.

These biscuits are a lightly spiced biscuit with currants and a delightful sprinkle of sugar adding a little crunch on the top.

The first thing I noticed about the recipe on page 40 was the lack of that sprinkle of sugar which gives Easter biscuits that little bit of magic. The second thing that I noticed was that the mix required you to make a stiff dough. Easter biscuits are traditionally a nice light biscuit. Suffice to say I wasn’t feeling very hopeful about this recipe being very successful, and alas I was right.

These biscuits weren’t as light as they could be. They were cracked and dry. They were so underwhelming it should be illegal. The flavour was so bland that they were insulting. They made me genuinely sad. In fact, I tested this recipe last Easter for the blog but I just couldn’t write about them I was so sad.

Finally, I am able to face them again. Easter should be a special time of year and because these biscuits are meant to be a gift you want them to be special not some kind of threat to the taste buds of people you care about so I have come up with a recipe that I hope you will love as much as I do and that will be something to look forward to each year. I am giving you this recipe now so that you can make them this year. You can click here for my recipe.

With love this Easter. Happy cooking! 🙂

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