2017 has been a bit trying so far, but I have still had time to leap into the kitchen to test recipes even though the writing them up side is suffering a little bit!
As you know, the sponge recipes I have tested
haven’t exactly been that great, so it was with trepidation that I turned to page 73 to the sponge roll recipe. After a few deep breaths and girding of the loins I got the job done.
This recipe is super easy. It’s basically a “beat this and fold that in” number. The cooking time is around 10 minutes, so it is quick as well.
Now, if we have learnt anything at all on this journey together it’s that if something is super easy and quick, it doesn’t always mean a yummy result – although sometimes it does so click here to find a super easy and quick recipe that’s actually delicious for sponge roll.
Yep, the Edmonds recipe was in my opinion a bit bums. My first issue with the sponge roll recipe is it doesn’t say to allow the sponge to cool before filling it. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that hot sponge and whipped cream don’t mix. Urgh.
As if that wasn’t bad enough the sponge itself was really eggy tasting. I had volunteers to test it but they refused seconds and the rest of the sponge roll was left uneaten. The recipe was so disappointing.
It does give you the option to make it in 2 sandwich tins and make a sponge sandwich with it, but that won’t change the fact it doesn’t taste great.
I also tested the recipe for the chocolate log on page 70. The recipe is a little more involved but has common sense instructions like letting it cool before filling.
The finished log is a little bit dry, but it has a nice flavour. I would suggest letting it sit filled for a couple of hours before eating it as this should help with the dryness. I probably won’t use this chocolate log recipe again to be honest, but only because I am super fussy. This isn’t a terrible recipe. It’s just me.
If the idea of a plain sponge roll or a chocolate log just aren’t doing it for you then click here for a coffee sponge roll recipe that might fit the bill.
Until next time lovely people. Happy cooking! 🙂