Praying to the Baking gods and Sponge Drops…

One of the advantages of being a classical soprano is that you get invited to sing at a variety of events. One of the huge advantages of being a classical soprano and being invited to sing at a variety of events is sponge drops ๐Ÿ™‚

spongedrope1As you know by now I have such admiration for the old ladies with the ninja baking skills who can whip up a fantastically perfect sponge or a batch of the best looking pikelets without a care in the world. Sponge drops also seem to fall into the ninja nana realm of awesome. So I was really excited to try the recipe on page 72.

As I started on my sponge drop journey I said a quick prayer to the baking gods pleading with them to make this recipe work. Surely the Edmonds wonโ€™t let me down I implored. Surely they wonโ€™t muck this recipe up.

spongedrope2Alasspongedrope3 it turns out the baking gods donโ€™t really exist and not only were the sponge drops never going to work but the recipe didnโ€™t even read like it would work on any planet at any time anyway. The recipe was pants.

I was so gutted ๐Ÿ™ When I think of sponge drops I think of little mounds of spongey heaven filled with fresh cream and lovingly caress with a light dusting of icing sugar. spongedrope4What I got was flat as a pancake rounds of urgh that stuck to the baking paper so badly that it was almost impossible to remove them. I persevered with them and after slowly and gently prying them of the paper I then filled them with fresh cream. The moment I did they started going sticky and melting. By the end of the 3 hours of sitting time it says to give them they had glued themselves to the serving plate and were impossible to remove.

Curse you sponge drop recipe! Curse you to heck!

After I got over my bout of sponge drop depression, I pulled myself together enough to work on a recipe that would work and I am very proud to say here it is ๐Ÿ™‚ Sponge drops are awesome and should be served at every afternoon tea ever so try this recipe and we can celebrate their gloriousness together.

Bless you sponge drops. Bless you very much ๐Ÿ™‚

Until next time. Happy cooking! ๐Ÿ™‚

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1 comment

  1. I think that sponge drops and other ninja nana baked goodies are a definite bonus of many singing engagements ๐Ÿ™‚

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