

  • 8 egg whites
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 cups caster sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 tsp malt vinegar
  • 4 tsp cornflour


  • Preheat oven to 150°C
  • Beat egg whites and salt together until soft peaks form. Gradually add the caster sugar a spoonful at a time while continuing to beat the mixture. Beat until stiff peaks form. Beat in the remaining ingredients until lovely and glossy looking.
  • Form mixture into a circle approximately 30cm diameter on a tray lined with grease proof paper.
  • Reduce the oven temperature to 140°C and cook pavlova for 20 minutes. Reduce the temperature again to 120°C and cook for a further hour and 40 minutes. Then turn the oven off and allow the oven to cool completely with the pavlova still in it.
  • Decorate with cream and fruit/toppings of your choice.

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