The Soup That Was and the Tostada That Wasn’t

Although the garden has decided spring has sprung with the appearance of pretty yellow crocus, the reality is it has been really cold –spicylentilsoup1 so once again soup has been the order of the day. I chose to make the spicy lentil soup on page 95.

Firstly, I need to point out that this is not a vegetarian soup as it is made using bacon bones, so don’t let the name fool you. spicylentilsoup2This soup is a nice thick and hearty soup. The only thing I would say is it’s not really very spicy. In fact, the only “spice” that it contains is curry powder. So that was a bit disappointing. Don’t get me wrong; the soup is yummy, but it’s just not earth shattering, you know? If you would like to try a spicy lentil soup that is also vegetarian friendly you can find one here.


Not a tostada

I also managed to get some inexpensive avocadoes early in the week so I decided tonight I would make Tostadas (Page 159).


I have never had a tostada before so I wasn’t sure what to expect but you know when you get something and you have a feeling something isn’t quite right? Well, this recipe makes a really yummy wrap. It was filling and flavourful as well as very healthy.


Ugly but yum crispy tortilla

I still had a niggling feeling that something wasn’t


A tostada

quite right though, and paint me blue and call me Papa Smurf: I was right. On further investigation, a tostada is actually a fried corn tortilla topped with various fixings – for example refried beans, chicken, lettuce, salsa and sour cream. (Thanks Oxford Dictionary for clearing that up!) I feel so damned ripped off Edmonds 🙁 So I built some real tostadas. I made some corn tortilla using 2 cups of corn masa mix and 1 cup of water and then shallow frying them until nice and crisp – the way God intended 😉 The rest of the tostada recipe is great, so the Edmonds recipe is a recipe of two halves. Topping good…bottom bad.


As an aside, tostadas make a great finger food for a dinner party or drinks. You can use corn chips as the base or make them yourself and cut into mini tortillas.

Until next time. Happy cooking! 🙂

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