Often when people think of gingerbread they picture gingerbread men – soft ginger flavoured biscuits lovingly decorated with icing and other treats. Indeed, in most countries that’s exactly what you will get. There is a huge amount of history behind this kind of gingerbread but alas the gingerbread as described in the Edmonds on page 51 is a mystery to me. In fact I’m going to call it now and say they meant it to be a ginger (bread) cake.
Either way, this cake doesn’t actually taste of ginger anyway. It’s not unpleasant but the name is misleading. It was easy to make but there is no way the amount of ginger in this recipe was ever going to produce a ginger flavoured cake. Once again I feel like the ball was dropped here. Do people test these recipes? If you decide to try this recipe you really should add more ground ginger. Or you could use this recipe I conjured up in my frustration.
A way less frustrating recipe I tried today was Lemon honey (curd) on page 234. This version of Lemon honey is from the very first edition of the Edmonds. It is so ridiculously easy to make and super quick. I have no idea why I don’t make it more often. It can be used to make delicious treats such as lemon meringue pie,
lemon tarts or slices; or you could have it layered with ice cream, chopped nuts or crushed biscuits to make a quick yet impressive dessert when you have unexpected guests for dinner.
I really encourage you to give the lemon honey recipe a go, its fantastic!
Until next time guys. Happy cooking!