In search of a good dunker…

gingernut1There is nothing like sitting down to a nice hot cup of tea (or whatever your thing is) but what makes it even better is a nice bikkie to dunk into the steaming cup.

In need of a good dunking biscuit I turned to that old kiwi favourite, the gingernut.




The recipe for these can be found on page 41. This is a very traditional recipe which results in a lovely crisp, gingery biscuit. It is the kind of recipe that makes you think of grandmas and afternoon teas with family. This is a really good recipe, and is definitely worth adding to your repertoire.



These biscuits keep well if you aren’t too worried about them becoming a bit softer over time.

hokeypokeybiscuit1As I was making the gingernuts I spied the recipe for hokey pokey biscuits also on page 41 and thought “meh, what the heck I will make them as well.”

hokeypokeybiscuit3Both hokeypokeybiscuit2of these recipes are quite quick to make. This recipe is a little different. You melt the butter, syrup, sugar and milk together and allow it to cool to lukewarm before adding the dried ingredients. They are quick to bake and the finished result is a crispish biscuit with a slightly soft hokeypokeybiscuit4centre. The flavour is quite unique it’s sort of buttery and syrupy.

They are a lovely wee biscuit which are a firm favourite in many households. They are perfect as a “dunker” or as a wee treat in the school lunch box.


Hokey Pokey Biscuits

So I had a rather productive evening baking and reviewing these two recipe and I was stoked I didn’t have to say anything grumpy about them lol

Both recipes are winners so give them a go 🙂

Until next time. Happy cooking! 🙂

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