The raw mix just didn’t feel good
Wholemeal Chocolate Cake (page 57). Well, what can I say? If you are wanting to be healthy, I’m thinking there are easier ways than trying to “healthy up” chocolate cake.

Husks for extra fibre anyone
This cake is easy to make. It’s also not that bad flavour wise, in fact it’s really nice. It does have extra texture due to the addition of the wholemeal flour husks but the biggest issue I have with this cake is more than the husks. This cake is soooo crumbly and dry!!!!! I am seriously considering baking a few hundred and selling them as

Dry and cracked. It didn’t bode well
dehumidifiers because this sucker can suck all the moisture out of everything in a hundred kilometre radius – although even in its guise as a dehumidifier it would still be as dry as the Sahara.
This is the cake of death for your mouth. So yeah, this cake is kind of dry. In fact it’s so dry that when it’s dusted with icing sugar you can’t even taste the sweet of the icing sugar.

Even icing sugar can’t fix this cake
Now, I could jump into the kitchen and come up with a new wholemeal chocolate cake recipe for you guys, but here’s the reality; if you want a healthy chocolate cake just eat a smaller piece of actual chocolate cake after your salad. That may seem harsh but chocolate cake should be a treat, it should be that little slice of happy you let

The cake just got drier and drier
yourself have occasionally without worrying about whether you are getting enough fibre out of it. Let yourself have it. Don’t suffer a subpar cake because it won’t satisfy you. Live a little…
Until next time. Happy cooking! 🙂