Finally the oyster season has begun!


Plump, juicy and yummy!

Yesterday was the first day of the Bluff oyster season! However the weather turned to custard so the boats couldn’t get out in time to get any of the delicacy in for sale to the public. This morning I was so excited to receive some of the first oysters of the season from Barnes Wild Bluff Oysters in Invercargill. Looking at them its going to be a really good season too as they were so plump and juicy.


Crumb fixins

Oysters are one of those things you either love or you hate. In my family I am the only one who eats them. Everyone else comparing them to balls of snot but I don’t mind that they don’t like them because it means more for me 🙂

Oysters are very good for you as well as being yum. They are an excellent source of zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, vitamin A and vitamin B12. Oysters are also a fantastic source of protein.


The little beauties ready for the pan

Oysters can be eaten raw or cooked, and I admit I did consider just gobbling them up the way they were but I decided to give the recipe for fried oysters on page 120 a go instead. The recipe is so simple and delicious. In all honesty the quality of the oysters are what make this recipe successful in my opinion. The simple crumb helps to highlight them rather than detract.


The end result is delicious

The only issue I had with the recipe was the amount of breadcrumbs it said to use. I ended up doubling it so that’s something to take into account before making them. So now the season is up and running I really do encourage you to go and give oysters a go.

Remember oysters are also supposedly an aphrodisiac *wink wink*

Until next time. Happy cooking! 🙂

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