Cover sultanas with water
For me Sultana cake kind of fits into the same category as fruit cake. It makes me think of afternoon teas at grandmas. I am definitely not a fan of fruit cake and I’m quite fussy when it comes to sultana cake too.
The recipe from the Edmonds has been included in every edition since the very first in 1908. That bodes very well for the recipe and must mean it is pretty good….right?

This recipe is a little more involved than most cake recipes but I think the end result is worth it. The finished cake has an almost buttery flavour. It’s not heavy on the sultanas however it seems a little drier than I expected. Not really dry-dry but not moist either, if you know what I mean. I tried the cake the next day and it hadn’t kept well. It had definitely gotten drier stored in an air tight container. Although this is quite a tasty cake I would say it will only keep for a couple of days.

My recipe (Left) Edmonds (Right)

Finished cakes. Edmonds at the front.
Like I said I am pretty fussy when it comes to sultana cake I also think that if you are putting a lot of effort in to make it, it should be able to keep for a few days. The recipe I use is here. It has more sultanas in it and is generally lighter and more moist than the Edmonds cake. The method is basically the same as the Edmonds recipe but it has more flavourings. I suggest giving both recipes a go and see which you prefer 🙂
This cake (whichever version you choose) would make a great “cuppa” cake. Great to have in the tins for afternoon tea or when people pop over unannounced.
Until next time. Happy cooking 🙂