Fresh from the greenhouse
I love this time of year. It’s the time when the greenhouse goes nuts with fresh tomatoes, capsicums, cucumbers and eventually grapes. Being able to wander out and harvest fresh produce as and when you need it is so satisfying.

Scoop out the pulp

Stuffing mix
When I went out there yesterday I noticed that a whole heap of tomatoes had come on at the same time, it was the perfect time to try some tomato based recipes. Tonight I wanted to try something simple that would really highlight the freshness of the tomato so I chose stuffed cheesy tomatoes (Page 171).
Preparing the tomatoes and the stuffing mix was quick and effortless. They don’t take much time to cook either so they would be great to whip up if you have extra people turn up for dinner.

The finished tomatoes
Here is my one issue with this recipe. If you are going to say cheesy, you better make darn sure they’re cheesy!

Ready for the oven
Seriously, I know there was cheese in there, I saw me put it in but where did it go? These stuffed tomatoes tasted great but I’m sorry Edmonds but you let the team down on the cheese front. These tomatoes may be stuffed but they are by no means cheesy.
So definitely give this recipe a go because like I said it is tasty but if you really want stuffed cheesy tomatoes then maybe this recipe will curb that cheese craving.