Raspberry pips and cake motivation…

Before I start let me declare one of my least favourite things in the world. Pips. I cannot cope with pips in any way, shape or form. I love the flavour of raspberries and passionfruit for example, but often skip them because I just can’t do those darn pips. Which is why last week I found myself shocking the family by saying something I think they thought they would never hear me say; “I got some raspberry jam today.” Usually if someone needs raspberry jam it’s up to them to go searching for it themselves.


Cinnamon layer


Evil evil raspberry jam layer

The reason for the raspberry jam was Ladysmith cake. I had never heard of Ladysmith cake before until I got a message on my blog from Erin saying that reading my site had inspired her to give it a go. Well Erin, you inspired me not only to try this recipe but you managed to get me to buy raspberry jam lol


Sprinkled with nuts

The Ladysmith recipe looks a little fiddly but in reality it’s not bad at all. You just find yourself with a few extra bowls at the end of it. When I made the recipe the one thing I realised was that I didn’t have an 18 cm square tin so the end result for me was a little thinner than what it was meant to be. I better go cake tin shopping for next time.


The nuts add a lovely bit of crunch

The completed cake is a lightly spiced cake that has a flavour which made me think of Belgium biscuits a little bit. The cake is soft with the nuts adding a nice little bit of texture. The pips however – blurch!

This is a cake that would be perfect with a cuppa at afternoon tea time and is definitely worth a go.

Thanks for motivating me to try it Erin 🙂

Until next time. Happy cooking 🙂

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/01/25/ladysmith-cake/

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