Flummery *sigh*

Oh flummery, what can I say…

flummery1According to Wikipedia flummery was a starched based dessert popular in Britain and Ireland from the 17th to 19th century. Post world war two, Australia came up with its own version using evaporated milk, gelatine and sugar. Another variation using jelly crystals.


At least it looks pretty in the glass?

The taste of this dessert is definitely reminiscent of immediate post war times when tastes were very different. After years of rationing and deprivation flummery must have seemed like manna from heaven. Alas I would have to say taste buds today have been spoilt rotten. Flummery isn’t disgusting but its a very different flavour that most of us would not be used to I’d say.

Only one of the four people that tried the flummery I made liked it – spoilt rotters. So I can safely say as I tick this dessert off as being made, its also going to be crossed out as an option in the future. The recipe is such that it can’t really be played with to improve it so I’m conceding my first defeat of the year. Darn you flummery!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/01/20/flummery-sigh/

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