Tarragon and Wine

Tarragon chicken with white wine sauce. Page 149. I must admit I can’t remember ever having used tarragon before. In fact I know I haven’t because breaking the first rule of cooking, I didn’t check to see if I had some before I started cooking doh! So after a quick trip to the dairy…

Fun fact – tarragon has a mild flavour similar to aniseed and is a member of the sunflower family.

The recipe was quite quick to prepare and the method was easy to follow.

chickentarragonSomething to remember is the dish will be influenced somewhat by the wine you choose to use. I chose a Gewürztraminer from Chard Farm, a winery in Central Otago, New Zealand. I should mention here that there is divided opinion when it comes to which wine you use in cooking. Some people are of the opinion that any old wine does the job whereas others (me included) believe that the wine you use should be one you would happily drink and enjoy. After all if you are going to make a fruit salad you wouldn’t use over ripe and rotting fruit! You want the dish to be the best you can make it, so go for the good wine. It only uses half a cup and you can always have a sneaky glass while the chicken is cooking 😉

So thoughts on the finished dish? The flavour of the dish is unusual but really nice and I think it’s the perfect dish for a special occasion. It’s a dish I can definitely see me making again.

Until next time. Happy cooking 🙂

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sometimesfoodsnob.com/2016/01/19/tarragon-and-wine/

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